New TSRP map! by Crimson13 |
You thought TSRP was dead and buried?!? You guessed WRONG!
NukeSilo is proud to announce our brand new map: Atomic City.
We are releasing the map for public beta testing on Oct 1st. Once the beta test concludes the map will be reset and set to full public. (increased property cost, all accounts reset, bug fixes applied, etc...)

To report a bug in the map, please use:
For the Beta FAQ, visit:
For downloads please visit:
See you in Atomic City! |
Comment | Updates and City Name Voting by Supernuker |
First some updates on progress. Alpha Plugin coding for the map started a month and 3 days ago. Since then, there have been 54 code commits and 10499 lines of code and config files impacted (lines added, modified, or deleted).
We are nearing Private Beta, and are aiming for that to start early next month. We are hoping for it to be a relatively short private beta phase before we go into Public Beta. Before we can do that however, there is still one last hurdle we have to get over.
We still require a city name! We can't agree or come up with a good one, so we are opening up the votes to the community. We have included a few ones we came up with in the poll, but if you have any good suggestions, feel free to add yours.
Click the comment button below to be taken to the news post with the poll on it. |
Comment | Its about time... by Supernuker |
Attention NukeCity Residents
Our city's fine doctor, DR. Dan was supposed to bring news of our latest project to you, but sadly I have some unfortunate news. The good doctor was involved in an accident and... what? Where did you get that video? I can assure you, while it may look like that is Police Chief Jameson walking up to the doctor, demanding "his money", and then getting his squad car and running him over after he didn't get it, it is not Chief Jameson. What? No that is not blood on the chief's squad car, just red paint.
Enough, since the doctor is unable to bring news regarding the project, I have selected a few random images taken by Chief Jameson. (You may click the image to get a larger version.)

It's been way too long without a status update, and I apologize for that. We are horrible at setting dates and keeping them. Too many times have we said "Lets post a news post at the end of the month with how the map is going" and then just completely not do it. I may regret saying this, but I will try to post more updates, at least once a month, with how the map is going. With any luck, there won't be many of these monthly updates before the map is out.
Now you guys must be wondering how the map is going? Without naming any date, since we'd likey miss it, the map will soon exit the alpha stage, and enter the pre-beta stage, at which point the plugins will be setup for it (This honestly shouldn't take long) along with any adjustments needed to the map for the plugins. Once both are done, we will open the map to public beta testing. Everyone can join and help us work out any final bugs. We will announce more about public beta as the time draws near.
The biggest thing we need to do before we can exit alpha stage however, is to name the city. We aren't very creative, so we'd like some help with this; If you have a good idea for a name for the city, please suggest it on the forums!
Which brings us to our last bit of news. After spending a few hours today cleaning out the massive spambots who made the forums their home, I have reopened the forums to everyone. However, user registration is closed until we come up with a better way to deal with spam bot invasions.
Thats it for now, hope you all appreciate the update.
Comment | Spy sappin' my sentry!! by Crimson13 |

That's right kids! NukeSilo now has a TF2 server!
The server can be found at:
We decided to remove the Neo Tokyo server since it was hardly being used and also remove the L4D2 server since no one could really use it thanks to valve breaking some commands.
One more thing...
The TSRP map is nearing its final stages!
We will be looking for active people to help us test the map once we are close to launching it, so stay tuned! |
Comment | Server Upgrade and Downtime by Supernuker |
Update: Servers are back on-line
In January 2008, NukeSilo purchased its current server box, server1 (exciting name, right?). Since then server1 has grown obsolete, running on an Intel Dual 2.66ghz, 75GB hard drive, and having only a gig of ram.
While that server has served us well over the past 2 years, hardware has become faster and cheaper and we decided it was time to upgrade. A few days ago, NukeSilo purchased a new server box with a much more interesting name, Fallout. Fallout is running on an Intel Core2Duo 3.00GHz, 2GB of ram, a 150GB hard drive, along with 10GB of network storage for backups. The best part of all this though, is that fallout is $20 cheaper every month than server1.
Over the past few days I have configured and setup everything on the new server, and it's now ready to go. The only thing left is to move the ip block from server1 to fallout so the ips all remain the same. Jameson has alerady submitted a ticket to the data center requesting them to do this. Once the ip block has been moved then I just have to login to the box, make sure the ips are configured correctly then click the "start" button and our game servers will roar to life on our new box.
However, to make sure we don't have any data loss, we have already pulled the plug on the game servers for our old box. Since it would cost more to keep server1 running after the ip block is moved, and we don't know exactly when the techs will get around to doing it, we thought it would be wise to just stop the game servers and move the last of the data (such as mysql databases which could change while the game servers are running) over to fallout before server1 is taken offline and we can't access it anymore.
We don't think it will take longer than 24 hours to move the ip block, but in the mean time the servers are offline. This post will be updated once the servers are back online, however, for the latest information, please join our irc channel (#nukesilo on, or if you have a forum account, just click on the "Web Based IRC" link just above the general forum section). |
Comment | The Second Infection Begins... by Supernuker |
The Second Infection has begun!
Our L4D Server has become a L4D2 Demo Server, and will be transitioned into the full game once its released.
Our Server can be easily accessed from anyone who is a member of the NukeSilo Community Steam Group. Once you start the demo a list of "Steam Group Servers" will appear at the bottom left. Simply select the NukeSilo Server and join in the zombie killing fun.
If you haven't decided if you would like to purchase L4D2, now is the time to try it out since the demo has now gone public. You can download it here. I highly recommend you give it a try, its full of awesomeness. |
Comment | NeoTokyo Server Now Online by Supernuker |
NukeSilo Community is now supporting and running a NeoTokyo server, which has been named Ghost Warfare.
You can download it and check out media on the mod at
NeoTokyo is completely free, but requires SourceSDK. A list of games that include SourceSDK can be found at and downloads for the game can be found at
You can come play with us at |
Comment | WebIRC Added by Supernuker |
We have added Web IRC to our forums for all registered members.
Simply click the "Web Based IRC" Link under News and Announcements will open up the mibbit client and connect you to #nukesilo on
It is now easier than ever to come chat with us, or get ahold of an admin! |
Comment | Ban/Abuse Area Updates by Supernuker |
The old ban/abuse area has been closed to make way for a new and improved method and format of handling the requests in that area. Let me go ahead and go over what has changed.
First, we have split it up into three separate areas, Unban Requests, User Ban Requests, and Admin Abuse Reports.
Second, we are using a new required format for both the topic and body of the post. We have also made the body easy to copy and paste, theres a button which selects the format you need then all you have to do is copy and paste.
Third, users can no longer reply in the ban/abuse area. Too much trouble, flame wars, and confusion on part of the poster are just a few of the reasons why we have done this. Now only the admin handling it will reply keeping everything nice and readable.
We hope this new ban/abuse area will be a lot more user-friendly and will work much better than the old one. |
Comment | TSRP Carmod Update by Supernuker |
A major carmod update has been released, change log is below.
- All players can now have one of each type of car out at a time.
- Updated Ambulance Model
- Managers can no longer spawn more than one car of each type (Sorry Jameson)
- Added dynamic emergency lights to police cars/ambulances. Triggered with /lights
- Sirens will no longer be active when entering a car if you turned the siren on in a different type of car.
- Sirens (& Lights) will now remain active after someone exits the car
- Car vs Car damage changed
- Everyone involved (drivers + passengers) will take a randomized amount of damage
- If the damage will kill them, they die instantly
- If not, they will be ejected from the car instead
- Car vs Pedestrian damage changed
- Pedestrian will take a randomized amount of damage
- Results for Pedestrian are checked just like a car vs car situation
- Driver will take no to little damage
For discussion about lag being causes please visit viewtopic.php?f=50&t=7459 |
Comment | Left 4 Dead Update by Supernuker |
Updates to Left 4 Dead have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The specific changes include:
Left 4 Dead
* Fixed an exploit with melee where swapping weapons ignored the intended delay between swings.
* In Versus mode, the Tanks' health now reflects the damage he takes from burning.
* Fixed an exploit related to the "joinclass" command
The update has been rolled out to our l4d servers, go kill some zombies and have some fun =) |
Comment | New Assistant Training Manager by Jameson |
Congratulations to Shadow who has been promoted to Manager. He will be serving the NukeSilo Community as our new Assistant Training Manager. Upon completion of his training he will be promoted to Training Manager! |
Comment | New Abuse Manager by Supernuker |
I'd like everyone to congratulate Crimson13 who has been promoted to the rank of Manager. I'm pleased to announce that he will be serving the NukeSilo community as our new Abuse Manager and will be taking over all future admin abuse cases as well as ban/unban requests.
He has not only done an excellent job serving as a Senior Admin since he was promoted only a few months ago, but has gone beyond his duties to help further improve the TSRP Server and NukeSilo as a whole. Without him I doubt the NukeSilo Community would be what it is today. I know he will continue to serve and improve the community as the new Abuse Manager. |
Comment | Left4Dead Update Released by Supernuker |
A Left4Dead Update has been released, which includes many much needed fixes for exploits glitches and other bugs.
I posted the full change log under the l4d general forum as it is quite lengthy. The topic can be found here.
The update has been successfully rolled out to our Left4Dead servers |
Comment | Left4Servers now full version, TSRP now holds 30 players! by Supernuker |
I have upgraded the Left4Dead servers to their full versions today. Last night there was crash issues with the dedicated server across the board so I could not upgrade them to full versions.
However they are fully upgraded and running.
Outbreak is an advanced coop server now. (If you think this is too easy (or too hard) then vote to change it) It will cycle through the four campaigns, if you don't want to do the campaign it is currently on, then start a vote to change it to whichever one you want to do. If your the first one on you basically get your pick of the campaign without having to get someone else to approve it.
Infection is now a verses server. The only noticeable complication with this is it sends you right into the game on a random team, you don't get to pick which team your on. However just press your team select button (m by default) if you get sent to a team you don't want to be on (assuming there is slots on the other team).
All this information as well as how to join the servers is listed at
In other news, the TSRP server has been upgraded to 30 slots. We are running 30 slots in a trial period for one to two weeks. We don't expect lag issues, the server box has plenty of resources at the moment (even with the two new l4d servers). What we are evaluating is if admins get overwhelmed or, if there is too many players that it causes confusion in the middle of roleplay, and other similar things.
If you have any questions or comments about the l4d servers, or the TSRP server upgrade, then please let me know. Feedback on how the TSRP Server is doing when it fills up to 30 players would be greatly appreciated. |
Comment | Two Left4Dead Servers now Online! by Supernuker |
NukeSilo is now hosting two public Left4Dead Servers for the NukeSilo Community.
They are running the demo now but will be upgraded to the full versions when the full game is released.
Outbreak is currently running on expert difficulty
Infection is currently running on advanced difficulty
For detailed information on how to join the servers with valves new join system please read my post at
Finally, there will not be admin applications for the servers, nor will there be any sort of amx_page system system available. If you require an admin for some reason then please utilize irc. Senior Admins or greater will be given rcon to the serve rand that is how we will manage it, if necessary we will seek out an admin system after the full game is released (we do not foresee needing to do this for the demo).
If there are any questions or comments please let me know. |
Comment | TSRP Update on Oct 26, 2008 by Supernuker |
A TSRP update has been released!
We have added a jailtime mod for law enforcement.
Here is how to use the mod:
-Once the prisoner is in a jail cell, face them and type "/jailtime " to set a jail sentence on them.
-Once the jail sentence is up it will automatically uncuff them and teleport them out of jail to the pd lobby.
-If you do /jailtime on someone who has a jailtime it will tell you how much time they have left.
-You can cancel someones jail time with /jailtime 0
-If they are let out early it will also cancel the time and inform the arresting officer. |
Comment | Servers back online by Supernuker |
Thanks to a tip from CPeanutG I was able to get the TS servers back online and running.
I am not sure if everything is running 100% yet, and there may be some plugins broken by valve.. let me know if you see anything that's broken.
The one thing we are aware of is the player count. The player count will now read 21 or 17, which in fact the max players are 20 or 16. The extra slot is for a admin to join on a reserved slot it needed and was hidden before. Since they updated it the ability to hide that slot has been broken but it will still return server is full if you don't have a reserved slot and attempt to join to the 21st or 17th slot. I've already knocked out the reserved slot out of the cs server but unsure if we are going to do the same with the tsrp/tsdm or if we are going to readd them to the cs server yet.
Comment | Valve Broke the servers by Supernuker |
There was a server updated released shortly ago. We went to update our servers and now the servers will not start.
We are working to resolve the issue and figure out why as soon as possible. I"m sorry for any in convince caused, If required I'll be rolling back to an older version, though I doubt that will do any good in a few hours since everyone will have the newer version and the servers won't. |
Comment | TSDM And CS Servers back online! by Supernuker |
The TSDM and CS Servers have returned and are back online. Admin applications are open for both if you would like to apply for it!
TSDM - The Arena -
CS - War of Armageddon -
Have fun! |
Comment | TSRP Update on Oct 05 by Supernuker |
Heres another small update since Jameson wouldn't quit bugging me about adding his stupid emergency button. Enjoy, besides the button theres a few minor bug fixes.
-Added new command to active an emergency button on the police radios (/emerb) to transmit an emergency message over the police radio in case of an emergency. (Requested by Jameson)
-Updated intersection clearing horns for police car and ambulance
-Corrected typo with a /siren message |
Comment | TSRP Update on Oct 1st, 2008 by Supernuker |
The TSRP has been updated, there is new models and sounds so expect to download a few new things. Changelog is below, enjoy!
-SWAT members can now now use the /swat com
-Players that were cuffed or in jail when they disconnected will no longer be teleported to jail on reconnect,
however the server will notify admins whenever someone disconnects while cuffed or in jail.
-Increased minimum amount of time between robberies from 2 minutes to 5 minutes.
-Lowered time the bank and atms are shutdown after the bank is robbed.
-New models for police and evo car
-There is now an ambulance for the medical department to use
-New horn for police cars (and ambulance) |
Comment | TSRP Manager by perlov0 |
Maxwell has resigned from his position as TSRP Manager, I am taking his place..
Nothing will really be changing, Maxwell just got overwhelmed with everything. If you ever pm'd anything to Maxwell regarding anything for TSRP manager, please forward them to myself.
Comment | NukeSilo TSRP Back online! by Supernuker |
The NukeSilo TSRP Server is back online!
The server ip is: (
For more information about it as well as other important news please read: |
Comment |